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Watch this video and more on Shakti Shala

Day 9. Calm | yoga

Move • 49m

Up Next in Move

  • Day 10. Unwind | yoga

    Unwind physical and mental tension with this Shakti yin yoga fusion. Nourish deeper layers of your body; such as the joints, spine and fascial tissues, through the combination of movement and pressure. This gentle yet powerful practice will rebalance your body and mind by approaching stillness an...

  • Day 11. Reset | yoga

    Move through a fusion of more grounding yin and dynamic yang style poses to harmonize your internal energy and spring-clean your body & mind. The twists, back bends and folds combined with The Shakti Mat will massage your body and internal organs, to generate a sense of inner renewal and clarity....

  • Day 12. Energize | yoga

    If you’re looking for a natural stimulant, this class will help you turn up the heat. Tap into your inner fire with Kapalabhati breathing to detoxify your body and invigorate your mind. Before moving through an energizing Shakti Mat standing sequence, guaranteed to get your blood pumping and your...